Keeping Your Skin Hydrated When the Weather Gets Dry!

With winter in full swing, is your skin looking about as dry and dismal as the foliage in the trees? The seasons affect our skin in a variety of ways, with winter being the most harsh of them all. With the humidity leaving the air, and the chill rolling in, our skin tends to lose its moisture, which can lead to premature fine lines and wrinkles - since staying moisturized is essential to keeping it looking young and fresh, there are some tricks you can use to make it through these harsh winter months. 



Your skin will be so grateful if you treat yourself to a regular monthly facial. This is considered the best way to maintain clean, healthy and vibrant skin as the seasons change. We at Alpha School of Massage have a variety of facial products and techniques that can be personalized not only to your particular skin type and condition, but also to the changing climate. Our student facial specialists will help you combat those negative elements with a proper analysis of the skin that will help them choose the proper Image Skincare products for your needs. Visit our list of Facial Services to see which one might be right for you! 


How about a Peel?

Winter is a great time of year to try some more intensive skin treatments, with the diminished intensity of the sun, and lack of beach-time temptations - you will be able to allow your skin to recuperate, and receive the full benefits of a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. With microdermabrasion, you will receive a mechanical exfoliation that sloughs off dead skin cells, stimulates collagen production and rejuvenates the skin. This will reduce the appearance of fine lines, hyperpigmentation and acne scars, as well as cleanse the pores and more! The results of a chemical peel are just as satisfying with the improvement of acne scarring, evening of skin texture, the reduction of the appearance of sun damage and smoothing of fine lines. 

Whichever route you choose, you really can’t go wrong, as long as you give some sort of TLC to your skin. The aging process is ongoing, so make sure your skincare is too. At Alpha School of Massage, we have the treatments and experts to help you implement good skincare hygiene and overall skin fitness. Call to set up your visit today 904-389-9117, or book your appointment online here, and learn to relax with Alpla School of Massage.