Considering a career change to massage therapy?

There are many factors to consider when preparing for a career change. Education, if necessary, is at the top of the list. Once someone has decided to become a massage therapist by attending massage school other considerations come into play.

The top concerns we hear at Alpha School of Massage is cost and time to complete. Students want to know how much the program cost and they want to know how long it takes to complete. The difficulty schools face is producing an answer for both concerns. Alpha has solved the problem. We have programs built for those who are interested in entering the field as quickly as possible while maintaining affordability, and those who don’t mind taking a little more time to avoid things like student loans or larger tuition costs.

Our 501 Hour Massage Program is designed for speed, but it is still the least expensive private program in North Florida at just $6000 total cost. That includes all books, supplies, and fees. This program can be finished in just 20 weeks utilizing Alpha Anywhere, our online learning platform.

Our 900 Hour program is designed for those students who don’t want to spend thousands of dollars over a short period of time like 20 weeks. This program takes as long as 8 months but is extremely affordable at just $129 per month. Total cost including supplies and fees for this program total just $2200.

Seeing that we have worked out two of the most common considerations that prevent people from pursuing massage therapy, let’s talk about another hang up. Convenience.

As I mentioned above, Alpha Anywhere is our online learning platform that takes the need for daily attendance off the table. You can do your coursework from home. Work on it at night, in the morning, on your lunch break, the possibilities are endless. To increase the convenience factor, we’ve joined with Massage Theory to bring Florida’s required clinical practice closer to home. Now you can choose one of three locations around town to do practice your new skills. We have locations in Jacksonville Beach, Nassau County, and our main campus on Jacksonville’s westside. It’s never been easier to pursue a career in healthcare.

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