How to Know If Live Or Online Massage School is Right For Me

If you are thinking about becoming a massage therapist, it is essential to determine your objectives. That will enable you to locate a school that meets both your educational and career objectives.

When choosing your education program, you should consider whether you prefer online or in-person classes. Some schools provide both options while others only provide online classes.

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Live and Online Massage School


The cost can be an important consideration when considering going to massage school. Tuition fees vary based on the type of training program and location.

There may also be additional fees that must be paid. These could include textbooks, lab fees, student liability insurance and malpractice coverage, MBLEX or state licensing fees, as well as administration costs.

If you're willing to invest the time and money in getting the education needed for a massage therapy license, tuition may be worth it.

No matter where you attend massage school, make sure the program meets state requirements. This means completing at least the minimum number of hours required for licensing.


The great thing about online massage school is that you can usually finish it on your own schedule and budget. Some programs even provide work-study options so you can continue working full-time while earning your diploma.

Furthermore, online courses cover the same material as traditional in-person education but in a more convenient format. If you're searching for a new career path, online massage school could be just what the doctor ordered.


Before enrolling in either an online massage school or an in-person program, it's essential to comprehend the requirements. This could include your state's licensing standards, tuition costs, and financial aid options available to you.

Many states require massage therapists to complete continuing education (CE) hours periodically in order to renew their licenses. CE hours provide an invaluable opportunity to stay abreast of the profession, learn new techniques, and hone your skills as a therapist.

Some states also mandate massage therapists to take ethics courses. These seminars are designed to help you develop your ethical values, communicate effectively with clients and safeguard yourself against malpractice.

The requirements for a massage therapy degree can vary, but most schools provide both in-person and online learning options. These programs are an ideal way to fulfill educational requirements while still pursuing life and career objectives. Hybrid programs are especially helpful for those with family, work or school responsibilities.


Selecting the ideal massage school for you depends on a number of factors. These include program length, specialty focus, financial aid options, and scheduling considerations.

If you're in search of a more flexible schedule, an online option may be the ideal solution. You can work full or part-time, take classes at various times of day, and complete certain sections on your own terms.

However, an in-person school may be your best bet if you're seeking hands-on education. A massage instructor can give immediate feedback if something isn't right and work with you to make necessary corrections.

It is essential to be careful when choosing a massage school, as this decision will have significant consequences on your future career. Do your research and ask lots of questions before making a final decision to ensure the school is the right fit for you!