Wading Into The Waters of Post-Massage Care

Post-massage soreness or nausea can really rain on your parade after you’ve spent the better part of an hour getting relaxed. But any discomfort you may experience merely becomes water under the bridge when you indulge in one simple action after your appointment: drinking water.

After all, massages are designed to open the flood gates of your circulatory system and flush out all of the remaining toxins that were trapped in your tight, constricted muscles. This is because, when your muscles become tense with stress, your body’s natural pathways and metabolic processes become gradually clogged and unable to move toxins out to the kidneys on their own.

But when you blow off some steam, the muscles relax, and all of your systems regain momentum. By drinking water, you essentially give a boost to the turning tide of toxins and are thus able to cleanse your entire body much more efficiently.

Additionally, drinking water works much in the same way as it pertains to lactic acid in your muscles. That is, massages break up the lactic acid stored in your muscles following particular types of strain (such as stress or exercise-related exertion). But once the lactic acid is kneaded thoroughly out of your muscles, all the fluids in your body are but a drop in the ocean, and you might be left with soreness that you hadn’t expected from lying on a table for a massage.

But by drinking water, you can diffuse the lactic acid from your muscles more quickly, thus alleviating your soreness and cleansing your body of the acid in the same manner as you do the toxins.

In all, keeping water on hand following your massage isn’t simply a matter of basic hydration — it’s how you can refresh and rejuvenate both your circulatory and immune systems with a greater impact. After all, who wouldn’t want to stay afloat in the blissful post-massage state of relaxation?

So if you’re ready to dive into tranquility and experience the many benefits of massage for yourself, then simply grab a cold water bottle and book an appointment with Alpha School of Massage by calling (904) 389-9117 today! Learn to relax with us.