Try Our New Online Massage School Courses & Hybrid Programs

Have you been considering becoming a massage therapist? Do you want to attend massage courses without having to go to a classroom or a facility? Alpha School of Massage now offers at-home and near-home programs designed to make it easy to attend massage courses thru Alpha Anywhere.

As a student, you can do all the necessary coursework from home. We offer a Learning Management System to make your coursework easier to complete from the comfort of your home. You will get to watch live-recorded lectures and you will get to use our learning modules to complete the necessary work.

When you attend online massage therapy school through Alpha Anywhere, you'll be able to work on your training from home. If you have questions, you can use the live question and answer sessions with instructors to get the answers you need.

While the hands-on instruction will need to be completed at the campus in Jacksonville, you will have many opportunities to get this instruction completed. We also offer partner spas to give you even more convenience when you want to attend online massage school.

3 Benefits of Attending Massage School Online

1. Complete Coursework from Home

Save your gas money and your time by completing all your coursework from home. You will gain this important benefit when you attend online massage therapy school.

We offer all the necessary courses online to ensure you can become a massage therapist. Some of the courses will need to be attended live, while others you can complete on your own time. Most of the work can be done from home, on your schedule.

2. Complete the Program Faster

The online massage school courses are self-paced. You can work through the courses faster if you prefer or take your time, if necessary. Our 501-Hour Hybrid Massage Program can even be completed in just five months if you put in five days per week.

While you can complete your massage therapy program faster with our online option, you can also take your time. If you need more time, we have options to ensure you can work at a pace that's comfortable for you.

3. No Need to Take Out Student Loans

You don't have to take out student loans to complete our 900-Hour Hybrid program. Get a debt-free education and become a massage therapist with just small monthly payments. This is one of the biggest benefits of using our new online massage school courses.

When you enroll in Alpha Anywhere, you can complete most of your coursework online. The hands-on work will still need to be done on campus or with a partner spa. However, you can complete all the other necessary work from the comfort of your home.

We offer high-quality online learning modules with reading assignments from eBooks. With the help of video group sessions and dedicated instructors, you can get the support you need, as well.

If you've been considering going to massage therapy school, now is the time. With Alpha Anywhere, you can do most of the work from your home and work around your already busy schedule. Find out more about our new online massage therapy program.

Alpha Anywhere - Online Massage School