What you'll be able to do as an Esthetician

When you become an Esthetician, there are many things you will be able to do. Before you choose to go into this exciting career, you should know what you'll be able to do as an Esthetician. Let's look at the many options you can choose from once you are fully trained and licensed.

Traditional Esthetics

Many Estheticians will go into what is known as traditional esthetics. When you think of esthetics, this is probably what you think of. This category includes working at a day spa, salon, or similar facility.

You can work as an Esthetician, or you can work as a day spa manager. Some Estheticians will work as waxing technicians, too. Of course, you can open your own day spa and be the owner.

If you decide to go the traditional route, you will perform many different duties, depending on your actual job. You will likely provide facial massage and basic skin analysis services. It's also common to provide facial services and eyebrow shaping and tinting.

Most Estheticians working at a spa or salon will also recommend products to clients. You will likely need to meet daily or monthly product and service sales goals. Some smaller facilities may require you to handle some receptionist duties, too.

It's common to earn a commission on the services and products you sell in traditional esthetics. Most Estheticians will earn a 30% to 50% commission on services and 5% to 15% commission on product sales. In other cases, you may earn an hourly pay or salary, but this is less common.

Medical & Mobile Esthetics

Another option for you, if you become an Esthetician, is to become a Medical Esthetician or to go into mobile esthetics. If you don't want to work at a day spa or salon, this might be the right direction for your career.

Working in this type of esthetics will likely mean working at one of the following:

  • Dermatology Clinic

  • Plastic Surgery Office

  • Mobile Spa Company

  • Medical Spa

  • International Hotel Spa

  • Hospital Cancer Treatment Center

You may also go into make-up artistry and work for a studio. Within this category of esthetics, you'll be able to help others with skincare.

While your job duties can vary when you take this route, you'll likely perform facials, peels, or apply make-up. It's also possible to provide laser treatments if you work at a dermatology clinic or a plastic surgeon's office.

As a Medical Esthetician, you will likely handle advanced facials, microdermabrasion, laser skin rejuvenation, chemical peels, and laser hair removal. You might also assist a physician when it comes to preparing a patient's skin before a procedure.

Education & Sales

It's also possible to go into sales or education as an Esthetician. You might enjoy a career selling products or work as an educator in this space. You can work as an equipment distributor/trainer, State Board Licensing Examiner, or even become a blogger/influencer. With the right training, many different possibilities open up in this industry.

If you want to become an Esthetician, you will need the right training. We offer a comprehensive, hands-on esthetics program at Alpha.